
Charity Round Up - 2023

Brighton i360 Drop 

We started at the top of the Brighton i360! Senior Marketing Executive, Hayley Johnston braved a 162-metre descent from the top of the famous Brighton landmark. Hayley overcame her fear of heights, with the support of the team cheering from the ground below! This was part of the annual Rockinghorse Superhero iDrop. Keep an eye out for the 2024 announcement if you’d like to take part! 

Beach Clean 

A month later, our team headed back down to Brighton, but this time with bin bags in hand. They spent almost two hours collecting rubbish on the beach, then finished the evening with a team dinner and ice cream on the beach.

Company Sports Day 

During the Sports Day, it got competitive! Everyone was split into two teams - the yellow team and the blue team. In their teams, they competed in games to win points and win the tournament overall! These games included tossing the egg, the sack race, a three-legged hunt, and a game of bulldog. In the end, the yellow team were victorious! 

Dress Up Day 

As Chesnut Tree House is a children's charity, we wanted to do a dress up day in the office to spend the day as our favourite children’s characters. We had Tinkerbell, Buzz Lightyear, The Little Mermaid, Luigi and more! Even our remote workers got involved, which inspired some clients also to get involved using Zoom filters! 

One of our work from home pups, Diddy, even got his paws on a pirate sword as he wanted to take part!

Cycle to Chestnut Tree House 

From the Creative Pod offices to the Chestnut Tree House offices, it’s 52km. Because of this, our team challenged themselves to cycle this on a stationary bike that was kindly loaned to us by one of our clients, Route 1 Fitness

To reach this goal the team had to be consistently cycling from 9am to 5pm. They followed a schedule and took turns cycling for 20-minute stints. By 4.20pm they had successfully reached their goal, so continued until 5pm! 

Give up something for a month

Ever thought about giving something up for a month that you absolutely love? Our team did just that and kept tabs on their progress! They ditched things like alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and fizzy drinks. It was tough since our team really enjoyed these things, but they found substitutes and powered through, all for a good cause!

Brighton 10k

One of the biggest challenges for a few members of our team was taking part in the Brighton 10km run in November. Not only did they tackle the 10km distance, but they also contended with relentless 40mph winds and rain!

Hayley Mosely, Sadie Chillingworth, and Hayley Johnston dedicated themselves to months of training and completed the race with times beating their individual target times! 

Alongside raising money, we’ve supported many charities and community initiatives, such as sponsoring the Rockinghorse Glitter Ball, Seaford Girls Football Club, Sussex Contemporary, Wolo Foundation Ball and The Starr Trust Winter Extravaganza. 

We’re also proud to support several charities by offering discounted rates for their marketing activities. This helps boost their donations and overall fundraising totals. Some of the charities we collaborate with include Raystede Animal Welfare Centre, Building Heroes, Crawley Community Action, and Community Transport Sussex.

Overall, in 2023, we managed to raise a total of £1,296, and we plan to break that record in the coming year! In celebration of Creative Pod’s 18th birthday celebrations, we are committing to £50,000 in charity sponsorships throughout 2024!

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