Over the years, we’ve branded everything from accountancy firms, to solicitors,to hotels, but never a football brand. (Although we did design the Crawley TownFC Metrobus!) As part of The Creative Group,our sister company ECHO works withsome major football brands from all over the UK and the US, so, we decided totry something a little bit different and explore the process of rebranding afootball club together.
After a careful selection process and afterdiscovering that it was one of the teams our designers supported, we decided togo for AS Roma! AS Roma are an Italian club with a lot of history, a dedicatedfan base and a brand which was last updated in 2013.
Their marketing activity also made theheadlines last year for its eccentric videos and their Head of Digital, PaulRogers, describing themselves as ‘Owning theweirdness’. He described his approach as ‘Let’s dostuff that a football club wouldn’t be expected to do. Let’s mock the wholething and go weirder and weirder and weirder.”
With our love of creative ideas, this sentimentresonated with us, so, with the clubs 90th birthday coming up in June, wethought it would be a good opportunity to explore giving the club a rebrand.
Firstly, we looked into Roma historyand what predominately stood out. We quickly identified the maroon and darkorange brand colours as the stand out element within the Roma branding. Thenthere is of course the cherubssucking on the Chupacabra’s teets, which representsthe story Romulus andRemu. We wanted to expand the largely popular crestused between 1979-1997 and create something which was new and fresh, but stillrespectful of its history.

As you can see, for the final outcomewe went with something which is a lot more simplified and better suited tomodern media meaning it can be utilised across any media/content. Below are expandedideas on how the new branding fits across the board. In terms of the kits, wewanted to go with a classic theme using the stand out brand colours which havebeen used throughout Roma's history.
This was a really interestingexperiment and we thoroughly enjoyed doing it! Like what you see? Let us knowyour thoughts.
Ifyou’re interested in a rebrand or a brand refresh, then get in touch! At hello@creativepod.net or by calling the officeon 01293 817228.