
Bennett Christmas

Building A Relationship And Driving The Business Forward

Services Provided

The Bennett Christmas Group hired Creative Pod in 2013 to overhaul their marketing and explore new avenues for attracting new customers.


Since then, we have worked with Bennett Christmas to categorise each product and segment their audience to enable a personalised, targeted approach to their marketing. Through a strategic long term plan and targeted campaigns, enquires have increased by 25% per month with a conversion rate of 20% (up from 13% at the start of the relationship).


As part of their ongoing progression, Creative Pod identified the opportunity to update their brand; and delivered an impactful and consistent aesthetic which drove all communication on multiple channels and built a presence in the local area.


At the beginning of 2016, the company employed a Marketing Apprentice to work alongside Creative Pod. Since, we have taken on a consultative role to drive the company forward, allowing them to remain targeted with a creative flair.

The Bennett Christmas Group hired Creative Pod in 2013 to overhaul their marketing and explore new avenues for attracting new customers.


Since then, we have worked with Bennett Christmas to categorise each product and segment their audience to enable a personalised, targeted approach to their marketing. Through a strategic long term plan and targeted campaigns, enquires have increased by 25% per month with a conversion rate of 20% (up from 13% at the start of the relationship).


As part of their ongoing progression, Creative Pod identified the opportunity to update their brand; and delivered an impactful and consistent aesthetic which drove all communication on multiple channels and built a presence in the local area.


At the beginning of 2016, the company employed a Marketing Apprentice to work alongside Creative Pod. Since, we have taken on a consultative role to drive the company forward, allowing them to remain targeted with a creative flair.

Client Experience

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